
I plan to use this blog to give a peek into the classroom. I'll post pictures, have a calendar of upcoming events (tests, activities, things to plan for), and share a little bit of what we're doing in the classroom. If you follow this blog, you'll always be alerted when there's a new blog posted.

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Visit From Pam

Pam Holz, Washington County Naturalist, came to visit 4th grade on Thursday, September 6th. She brought with her many different types of animal skulls native to Iowa. This program is a preview to our first science unit, The Human Body. Students learned discovered how studying the teeth, nasal passages, inner ear (holes), eye (holes), and jaw, can tell you what the animals strongest sense is and if it's an herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore! Ask your child what the two animal skulls were they had at their table!

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